
Dough preparation for fresh spaetzle

Dough preparation for fresh spaetzle For perfect spaetzle or knöpfle, the dough must be whipped smooth, firm but slightly runny. This requirement is the basic prerequisite for the dough preparation plant that we were allowed to develop and build for Germany's largest fresh pasta producer. Our customer offers a comprehensive selection of refrigerated fresh

Dough preparation for fresh spaetzle

KELPA goes Schmid

KELPA goes Schmid Kellermeier Maschinen und Produktionsanlagen: Takeover of service and production Since 1982, we have specialized in the worldwide procurement, relocation and commissioning of pasta machines and production facilities. We have a long-standing partnership with KELPA Kellermeier. Both in the takeover of used systems for overhaul and in various projects with new machines

KELPA goes Schmid
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